Thursday, January 3, 2013

45 Thanksgivings

Nothing derails gratitude like crankiness.

Nothing makes a mom cranky than having a fight or nagging kids.

Last night, I was flying high about how warmly my daughter and I communicated yesterday. We stood side-by-side at our Compline prayers. Usually I've annoyed the pieces off of my kids and they'd rather sit on the corner of the roof.  Then we got home, and I proceeded to fail a parental test about cell phones. Boo for me. I went to bed acting like I was the victim. I believe what I said was, "I hate being the family whipping boy." I said it low, but I am sure my husband heard me.

I woke up in need of repentance. A thankful heart is happy heart, sings Madame Blueberry in Veggie Tales, and I didn't have either.

Here is my list, which could only be started after de-linting my angry heart. I am thankful that:

  1. My oldest living uncle's recent skin cancer tests came back benign and he doesn't have to go to Oncologist for six months!
  2.  My daughter woke up and spoke warmly again. She is a good person to the core.
  3. She just shared a yummy berry water with me.
  4. My 6th grade son, who watched job interview assignments last night, was able to identify the qualities of a good speaker and use the term "projection" for voice.
  5. Siblings who come back from a walk together on a cold day and are goofy and giddy.
  6. Portlandia and well-written sketch comedy that reminds me of beloved friends (Pres. Elena Buck)

  7. People to watch it with, including my husband, but also my friends, Beechams, Pattons, Garretts, Reynolds, Bucks.
  8. The self-less ministrations of my husband, who is helping me recover from a painful sprain.
  9. The self-less copy editing of my husband, helping my grandma and me finish my grandmother's memoir.
  10. My daughter's excellent job cleaning the bathroom. It's the clean spaces right?
  11. The Magnificat of Mary, which I'm reading and re-reading in advance of this semester's writing project- My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
  12. My mother-in-law and Grandmother, giddy on facebook, seeing pictures of their kids, grandkids and great-grandkids.
  13. The Gospel of John. For Light has shone in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
  14. For being able to talk to my daughter about the dark stuff of life- rape, suicide, cutting, addiction and coming out the other side with hope.
  15. For friends, like Michelle, who help me with little and big things.

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